Windermere, Lake District
13 June 2025

Arla Great North Swim

13 - 15 June 2025

The Arla Great North Swim will be back from Friday 13 to Sunday 15 June 2025. Choose from six different open water swimming distances to suit all ages, abilities, and level of experience. Whether you’re looking to get fit, improve your time, soak up some nature or raise money for charity, you‘ll be part of an amazing collective experience - guaranteed.  Dive into nature at Windermere and join us at the UK’s biggest open water swimming event.

A booking fee (£2.50 per entry) is applied at checkout.

Swim Distances


2025 Entry £19

If you’re keen to try an open water swim but don’t know where to start, the 250 distance is ideal, and is also a great introductory event for younger swimmers age 8 years +

1/2 Mile

2025 Entry £39

A great introduction to outdoor swimming. Equivalent to around 32 lengths of a 25m pool. Average completion time 20min. Entrants must be 12 years +

1 Mile

2025 Entry £44

Suitable for swimmers of all abilities. Equivalent to 64 lengths of a 25m pool. Average completion time 40 min. Entrants must be 16 years +

2 Mile

2025 Entry £56

Perfect event for open water swimmers looking for a longer challenge. Equivalent to around 125 lengths of a 25m pool. Average completion time 1hr 15min. Entrants must be 16 years +


2025 Entry £64

Suits experienced swimmers looking to go that little bit further. Equivalent to around 200 lengths of a 25m pool. Swimmers must be able to swim 5k continuously & unaided within 2.5 hours. Entrants must be 16 years +


2025 Entry £98

Suitable for regular swimmers who are capable of taking on longer distances. Anyone who enters should be able to swim 10k continuously & unaided within 4.5 hours. This swim will be 6 laps of the standard 1 mile course. Entrants must be 18 years +

An Open Water Adventure

The Arla Great North Swim is a  weekend-long celebration of open water swimming. Expect stunning scenery, the best of local food and drink, outdoor activities, culture, art, history and thousands of like-minded people coming together. Think of it more as an open water adventure than a race. There's plenty to keep swimmers and spectators entertained throughout the weekend. New to Windermere? Find out more about the stunning location and the surrounding area here.

We're partnering with Headway, the brain injury association, this year to open a quiet half mile wave on Sunday at 2pm. This wave is open to all swimmers who want to get in the water in a quieter environment. We won’t have any music playing, a low level PA and a reduce capacity so swimmers can get in the water with plenty of space around them.

Headway support people who have been affected by brain injuries as well as their loved ones, at every stage of their journey. They said “a brain injury survivor can experience a huge range of debilitating symptoms; attending bright, noisy, crowded events is often not possible as they can exacerbate these symptoms, contributing to feelings of isolation and exclusion. Being able to participate in the Quiet Wave changes that; it will enable survivors to enjoy all the event has to offer, free from additional stress and anxiety”.

Spectators Viewing


We’re thrilled to announce that spectators are now welcome to join their loved ones in what used to be the ‘Swimmers Only Zone’ at this year’s Arla Great North Swim. Here’s how it will work:

How can I spectate?

Each swimmer will be offered 2 wristbands when they collect their pack on event day. These are to be given to friends and/or family members who wish to enter the spectator viewing area. The colour of the wristbands will match the colour of the wave the swimmer is in and they can choose to take both wristbands, just 1 or none at all. 

When can I go and spectate?

Spectators can enter the spectating zone half an hour before their swimmer’s wave starts. We will soon publish the exact schedule for each wave, but don’t worry, you will be given plenty of time to watch your swimmer. 

Can kids spectate as well? 

Anyone under the age of 12 can go in too so long as they're supervised. They do not need a wristband.

Which Distance?

1/2 mile

Arla Great North Swim250

If you’re keen to try an open water swim, but don’t know where to start, the Great North Swim250 event is ideal. It's perfect for new new or nervous swimmers, families, and children aged 8 and over, to test the water and get a feel for swimming in the great outdoors. 
What is it? 
250 metres (the equivalent of 10 lengths of a standard 25 metre pool) of open water swimming/splashing/doggy-paddling in the bay area of Windermere.
Please note: Please note our wetsuit policy. Every child aged 11 and under must be accompanied by one adult (per child). Anyone aged 18+ years old is classified as an adult.

Payment information: For children aged 8 - 11 years old the standard entry payment is £19 and accompanying adults must also purchase an entry at a cost of £19. For anyone aged 12 years + the entry is £19 per entry.

All entrants will receive a swim cap, a shiny new medal and a finisher's t-shirt, included in the entry price. 


sign up here  

Great North Swim250